CDN IRL500 Long Stem Fry Thermometer - Insta-Read, Turkey Fry

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Brand CDN
Model IRL500
Color silver
Size A

  • Perfect for deep fat frying in large containers/vats
  • Durable laboratory glass lens- Large 2-inch dial
  • Temperature/Recalibratable guides/Long 12-inch stem
  • Measurement Range:100 to 500 F/38 to 260 C
  • Adjustable stainless steel clip-5 year limited warranty

  • For absolutely delicious, tender turkey or other poultry, try deep-frying, a “new” method that has been used in the South for decades. The result is a bird that is juicy but has no greasy taste. Speed is another bonus— a 14-pound turkey typically cooks in an hour or less. The more oil that is used, the less the oil temperature will drop when the turkey is added. The simple secret to properly deep-frying is to use a sufficient amount of oil, at the proper temperature, and cook for the correct time. The IRL500 allows you to make sure that the proper oil temperature is maintained. This thermometer can be used with any size deep fry kettle. From meats to chocolate, the oven or the freezer, whatever you need a temperature reading on, CDN has the thermometer for the task. Featuring advanced technology, quality construction, easy-to-read displays and user-friendly operations, CDN thermometers are essential tools in any kitchen. CDN covers the thermometer with a five-year limited warranty.

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