Ambient Weather WM-2 Handheld Weather Meter w/ Windspeed, Temperature, Wind Chill

Ambient Weather
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  • Ideal for model plane pilots, shooters, hikers, and other outdoor enthusiasts
  • Compact, portable, and rugged
  • The versatile LCD display allows you to switch between wind speed units of measure
  • The Ambient Weather WM-2 is a comprehensive handheld wind meter with wind speed, temperature, wind chill, wind gust, and Beaufort Scale, all in one compact, portable, rugged package.
  • Other features include wind hold mode, wind average mode, comfort level, low battery indicator, neck lanyard and optional tripod mount (order WM-TRIPOD ASIN B005DGH3AQ)

  • Compact, portable, and rugged, the WM-2 is ideal for model plane pilots, shooters, hikers, and other outdoor enthusiasts. A lanyard, and user replaceable battery are also included. The versatile LCD display allows you to switch between wind speed units of measure (mph, Km/h, m/s, ft/min or Knots), temperature units of measure (degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius), temperature and wind chill, average, instant and maximum wind speed. Includes backlight for low light and night time viewing.Applications include backpacking and hiking, biathlon, camping, climbing and mountaineering, athletic trainers, golfing and caddying, hang gliding, kite boarding, kite surfing, model airplanes, paddle sports, sailing and yachting, scuba diving, ski patrol, sky diving, snow making, snow sports, wind surfing, forestry and firefighting, amateur weather watching, meteorology, NOAA weather data collection, storm chasing, skywarn spotters, TV weather reporting, wind power generation, construction, HVAC, shooting sports, motor sports, scientific and educational research.
    Brand: Ambient Weather, Model: WM-2, Color: Blue

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