Land turtles & tortoises are primarily herbivores that consume plants, berries, flowers as well as some insects in the wild and this food is formulated with ingredients they need to promote excellent shell color and activity
Can be mixed with vegetables and fruits or be fed as the primary diet
Provide food at all times to simulate natural foraging behavior, discard moist and soiled food daily
Food may be moistened to increase palatability
Store in a cool, dry place for maximum freshness
Turtle owners prize an active pet with varied, vivid shell color. Zilla food is formulated to deliver both, plus the life-lengthening mineral blend owners canâ€t recreate with table scraps or do-it-yourself pet nutrition. 40 individual ingredients are combined to match the diet of flowers, berries, plants and insects land turtles enjoy in the wild. For extra appeal, we gave each nugget a flower shape. Itâ€s all in one easy-to-use screw top jar, safely blended for year-round daily feeding. Just one look at the eye catching label makes it easy to find the right food. Brand: Zilla, Model: 100111681, Color: Browns, Size: 6.5 Ounce
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