Walnut Hollow Basswood Country Round, Thick for Woodburning, Home Décor and Rustic Weddings

Walnut Hollow
In Stock


Brand Walnut Hollow
Model 39750
Color Beige
Size Thick

  • Hundreds of uses for arts, crafts, hobbies, weddings, home décor, signs and so much more
  • Each piece is kiln dried and carefully processed to retain the natural bark and is 1.63-inches thick
  • A perfectly natural product so each piece will be different and unique just like the people in your life
  • These oval pieces are sold by width increments only and will be between 9-inches and 11-inches wide
  • Proudly Made in Wisconsin, USA

  • Hundreds of uses for arts, crafts, hobbies, weddings, decorating and so much more. Originally created as the perfect Woodburning surface Basswood Country Rounds are very versatile and are easy to chip carve; provide an ideal surface to paint even with chalkboard paints; and they are easy to decoupage or even stamp. Basswood Country Rounds are often seen as rustic plate chargers for picnics, parties and rustic weddings or even as signs. Use to elevate vases with real or artificial flowers for an added outdoors look. This Made in America product is sold by width increments only and may appear oval in shape due to the angled cut. All pieces are kiln dried and sanded by Walnut Hollow to ensure the natural tree bark is retained. This is a natural product so each piece will be unique in size and look. We do not offer or guarantee the length and this will vary. The width will be between 9 inches (229mm) and 11-inches (279mm) wide by 1 & 5/8-inches (41mm) thick. There may be a small amount of dust from the bark when the package is first opened. If it doesn't have a Walnut Hollow label when you receive your piece then it is not a genuine Basswood Country Round just a cheap imitation. Made in the USA.

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