Pliable and breathable wraps provide an ultra-comfortable waterproof cover for fitteds, prefolds, and flats
Wipe wrap clean between diaper changes
Leg gussets for advanced leak protection
For an easy to use all-in-two diaper, pair with our Stay Dry Duo Insert
Grows with your baby so you only need two sizes from birth to potty
Thirsties Duo Wraps are completely waterproof yet remain breathable, pliable, and very comfortable for your baby's delicate skin. With the adjustable rise you will only need two sizes from birth to potty. Leg gussets provide advanced leak-proof protection and bindings are super-soft against your baby's skin. Whether your baby is tall or short, thin or chunky, this cover will keep those messes contained! Thirsties Duo Wraps are the preferred wrap for prefolds or trim fit diapers, such as our Stay Dry Duo Insert diaper. The inside of Duo Wraps can be wiped clean between uses allowing for fewer wraps in rotation and greater affordability. We recommend one cover for every 3-4 diapers in. We are very proud of the fact that all Thirsties products are manufactured in Colorado, USA, by a group of very talented individuals, many of whom are moms who work in the comfort and convenience of their own homes. Proudly manufactured in the USA. Brand: Thirsties, Model: TDWSWo1, Color: Woodland, Size: Size One (6-18 lbs)
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