Sundance Sunpurity Mineral Sanitizer Cartridge for Sundance Spas
Mineral purification is a natural process that carries out 3 functions: disinfection, algae prevention and clarification
Sundance Spas Mineral Sanitizer Cartridge leaves your water clean and clear
SunPurity by Sundance Spas helps reduce the potential for unpleasant odors and residue lines, and can be used with your hot tub ozone system.
Original Sundance Spa Parts.
SunPurity by Sundance Spas provides the ultimate in water purification for your spa for four months. Mineral purification is a natural process that carries out 3 functions: disinfection, algae prevention and clarification. Nature2 considerably reduces the amount of chlorine required in the water. Nature2 is a system, which protects and prolongs the clarity of the water without the usual chlorine constraints. Sundance Spas' mineral spa cleaner leaves water clean, clear and soft. An alternative to chlorine when used in combination with MPS (monopersulfate), the SunPurity cartridge fits into the bromine dispenser of the filter bays of 880 and 780 Series hot tubs. It reduces the potential for unpleasant odors and residue lines, and can be used with your hot tub ozone system. Lasts up to four months. Note: The SunPurity requires only a small maintenance dose of non-chlorine oxidizer and should not be mixed with bromine and bromides. The SunPurity cartridge is not compatible with biguanides such as SoftSoak or Baqua. Brand: Sundance Spas, Model: 6890-780, Color: Blue
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