Spectracide Immunox Multi-Purpose Fungicide Spray Concentrate For Gardens (HG-51000) (16 fl oz)

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Brand Spectracide
Model 51000

  • Cures and prevents all major diseases on roses, flowers and ornamental shrubs
  • Protects for up to 2 weeks
  • Can't be washed off by rain once dried
  • Protects fruits, nuts and vegetables

  • Spectracide Immunox Multi-Purpose Fungicide Spray Concentrate for Gardens is highly effective when it is used to prevent diseases or applied at the first sign of disease. It can be used outdoors on roses, flowers, ornamental shrubs, trees, lawns, nuts and vegetables. Prevents and cures all major diseases including brown patch, powdery mildew, black spot, rust, blights, scab and others listed with up to 2 weeks protection. Won't wash away by rain or sprinklers once dried and it works against diseases for up to 2 weeks. Treat early in the season for best results. USE TIPS: 1. Treat roses on a seven- to 10-day schedule. If Black spot is not a problem, a 10- to 14-day schedule is recommended. 2. When treating azaleas, mountain laurel or rhododendrons, begin spraying when flowers start to show color.  3. When treating irises, increase use rate to 2 fl. oz/gallon of water. 4. For douglas fir, loblolly pine and slash pine, use 3 fl oz/gallon of water. Begin treating in early spring and continue treating every two to three weeks until threat of infection has passed. HOW TO USE: CHOOSE AN APPLICATION METHOD. PUMP-UP SPRAYER OR TRIGGER BOTTLE SPRAYER Fill with required amount of water. Add the amount of concentrate specified. Replace sprayer top and shake well before spraying. DIAL-STYLE HOSE-END SPRAYER Set sprayer to the “fl oz/gallon” level specified. Use only enough product for the area to be treated. Close sprayer, attach to hose and apply. CONCENTRATE PLUS WATER-STYLE SPRAYER Determine the amount of concentrate required. Pour concentrate into sprayer jar to the required “fl oz” level. Then add the required amount of water to the “gallon” level. Replace sprayer top on jar and shake well before spraying. Read the entire label and follow all precautions and directions.

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