America's original oven-bake clay! Sculpey III is soft and pliable and will not dry out when exposed to air
Perfect for making all kinds of crafts from free-form jewelry pieces to scrapbook embellishments
Just shape bake and cool
Sculpey III is the perfect clay for beginners, kids and moms. This is a great introduction to crafting with clay because it is soft, easy to use and will stay soft until you bake it in your home oven. Sculpey III comes in 44 vibrant colors and is perfect for jewelry, figurines, home décor and seasonal items. Sculpey III is the best brand for image transfer due to the superior adhesion of the original images ink to the clay. Sculpey III provides inspiration for crafters everywhere and is the ideal medium to use for creating special projects for every occasion. Sculpey III can be blended easily to create custom colors or special techniques. Conforms to ASTM D4236. Recommended for ages 8 and up. Made in USA. Brand: Sculpey, Model: 439311, Color: Black
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