Scotchgard 4106D-2PK Fabric & Upholstery Protector, 2 Cans, 10-Ounce

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Brand Scotchgard
Model 4106D-2PK
Size 20 Oz.

  • Repels liquids and blocks stains. Reapply Scotchgard Fabric Protector after washing
  • Won't change the look, feel or breathability of fabrics
  • Safe to use on delicate and dry clean only fabrics such as silks and wools
  • Strong protection pushes spills away from fabric fibers so stains release easily

  • Proven leader in fabric protection. Repels liquids and blocks stains. Strong protection pushes spills away from fabric fibers so stains release easily. Won't change the look, feel or breathability of fabrics. Safe to use on delicate and dry clean only fabrics such as silks and wools. Ideal for use on clothing such as skirts, blouses, polos, silk ties, dress and suit pants, suit jackets and caps. Also ideal to use on upholstery and home fashions such as table linens, slip covers, chair cushions, throw pillows, curtains, fabric sofas, and chairs. Scotchgard is the No. 1 recognized brand of protector for carpet, sofas, chairs and clothing.

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