PRIMO Folding Potty with Handles, White granite

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Brand Primo
Model 521W
Color White

  • Note:Item do not include bag. Bag is for illustration purpose only.
  • Compact travel folding potty seat reduce with handles, and 4 non-skid gripping underside pads
  • Folding hinges designed to prevent skin pinching
  • Portability and handle grips help increase child's confidence and assist with potty training
  • Travels well inside most diaper bags - For Ages 2 and Up
  • Folding Potty Seat fits only for America standard toilets (round and elongated)
  • BPA Free, Phthalate Free, Lead Free

  • PRIMO's Folding Potty with Handles is a handy, folding toilet reducer for traveling away from home. Your child is sanitary, safe and secure with it. Child can hold clean handles not dirty toilet bowl for added security. The mother's and the child's hands never need to touch the toilet bowl, guaranteeing safety and hygiene. Folds compactly for storage into included travel bag. For stability, it has four large rubber pads to grip toilet seat and extended overhangs on front of toilet seat. Four hinges are designed so they won't p" skin. It is designed for children up to 40 pounds or 16 Kg.

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