Philips AVENT Bottle Warmer, Fast

Philips AVENT
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  • NOTE: The wattage is 110-120v
  • Gently and evenly heats - no hotspots as the milk circulates during warming
  • Works with all Philips Avent bottles, toddler cups, and most food jars
  • Heats 4 ounces of milk in 3 minutes
  • Convenient defrost setting that defrosts breast milk and baby food
  • Small design fits on counter or nightstand

  • Philips AVENT SCF355/00 Bottle and Baby Food Warmer is a safe and easy way to make mealtime more comfortable for your baby. Once switched on, the warmer gently heats bottles and food within 3 minutes. Its compact size makes it easy to store on a kitchen countertop or bedside table for nighttime feedings. The warmer heats bottles and foods safely and evenly and unlike microwaves, won't cause hotspots, so you can be sure the internal temperature is safe for your baby. All Philips AVENT bottles, toddler cups, and food jars fit in the warmer. The warmer is fast and easy to operate - just plug in and flip the on/off switch on the back of the unit. A neon light lets you know the unit is on and working. An included instruction guide makes it easy to calculate the correct heat-up time. Operation involves adding water and turning the dial. A light blinks to indicate that the contents are properly warmed to a safe temperature. To be sure, always test the internal temperature before giving to babies.
    Brand: Philips AVENT, Model: SCF355/06, Color: Fast, Size: One Size

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