Pebeo Studio Xl Fine Oil 200-Milliliter, Lemon Cadmium Yellow Hue

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  • The range includes 64 colors, including 7 dyna and 5 glazes, that come in standard packaging, 37ml, 80ml and 200ml as well as 5 colors in 650 ml jars; studio xl fine oil colors can be mixed together; the viscosity is constant from one color to another
  • Ideal for working with matter, xl oil dries to the touch in 3-6 days for an avarage application and allows for additional coats after 4 days; allow 6-9 months of drying before varnishing
  • Can be applied on canvas, cardboard, and wood (suitable for most surfaces)
  • To thin the colors, use essential oil of petroleum, oils or oil mediums depending on the deisred effect
  • Clean brushes with essential oil of petroleum

  • With its bright traditional colors, Dyna colors and glazes, Pebeo's Studio XL fine Oil is a resolutely modern range. Carefully chosen pigments offer colors that are similar to extra fine oils while maintaining an excellent value for money. This is a range is for painters who seek a good quality, but affordable oil. XL Studio fine oil is suitable for all techniques, from glazes to thick layers and can, of course, be used in conjunction with the mediums and auxiliaries.This is the only range of oil that offers a palette of colors and effects as diverse: traditional colors, light or pastel colors, bright modern colors without forgetting the ready-to-use unique transparent glazing colors and iridescent Dyna colors. All these colors are compatible with each other and offer a multitude of sumptuous mixtures. The glaze colors are formulated to be transparent and ready to use without adding a medium while the Dyna colors are formulated from interference pigments that allow the colors to change depending on the angle of light refraction. The fast drying properties of this range make it possible to add subsequent coats after only four days. Conforms to ASTM D 4236.
    Brand: Pebeo, Model: 200001, Color: Lemon Cadmium Yellow Hue, Size: 200ml

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