Pebeo Setasilk Silk Painting Water Based Gutta 20-Milliliter Tube, Colourless

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  • The colorless water based gutta is available in 20ml metal tubes with nozzle and in 250ml bottles
  • The setasilk water based guttas can be used on all types of silk; the colors are air dry in 30 minutes
  • The setasilk water based colorless gutta can be washed out 48 hours after fixing leaving a white line where it was applied the decorated fabrics resist hand washing and dry cleaning after being fixed
  • The Setasilk Water Based Guttas are used directly from the tube and nozzle or from a pipette and Gutta nib

  • The Setasilk Water Based colorless Gutta has a thick consistency and is used to create outlines - the Serti technique. The Colorless Gutta is used directly from the tube and nozzle or from a pipette and Gutta nib. It flows readily into the silk fibers forming a barrier to the color. Setasilk is applied afterwards. The colorless Water Based Guttas designed to wash out leaving a white line on the fabric where it has been applied. Conforms to ASTM D-4236.
    Brand: Pebeo, Model: 147-001, Color: Colourless, Size: 20ml

    Custom Tab 01

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