un-du Original Formula Sticker, Tape and Label Remover (Cannot Be Sold in California) - 4 Ounce

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Brand UnDuProducts
Model 01004-00H
Color Original Version
Size 1-Pack

  • Un-du safely remover "on contact" any and all self sticking stickers, tapes, labels and adhesives
  • Un-du will not leave behind any oily or greasy stains
  • After safely removing stickers and you can re-stick the sticker
  • Un-du is the only "patented" all in one removal system with attached scraper
  • Collectors, antiques, vinyl records, old books, stamps, baseball cards, etc.

  • Un-du-sticker; tape and label remover. Removes self sticking tape; bumper stickers; price tags; kids' stickers; office labels; computer disk labels; windshield stickers; gum from fabric and much more. The acid free; solution temporarily neutralizes adhesives and then quickly evaporates allowing the stickers; tape and labels to be used again. Easy-to-use; no-mess; only takes a few drops; safe; will not stain most surfaces: use on glass; plastic; walls; fabric; leather; vinyl; carpet; wood and paper. Removes gum, tar, tree sap, wax and hot-melt glues; does not harm acid and lignin free papers. Leaves no odors or oily residue. Once dry you'll never know anything was there.

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