Mundial BP666 Red Dot 8 1/2 Take-A-Part Kitchen/Utility Shears

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Brand Mundial
Model BP666
Color Black Handle

  • All-purpose kitchen shears for cutting boneless chicken, vegetables, and herbs
  • High-carbon stainless steel blades come apart for easy cleaning
  • Long-lasting razor-sharp edges
  • Open bottle tops, wedge off lids, turn large screws
  • Hand wash only; Lifetime Guarantee/Made in China

  • A good pair of all-purpose shears is a must-have in any kitchen. These Mundial shears are great for cutting almost anything in the kitchen, including boneless chicken, herbs, and vegetables. Not only that, but the shears contain a built-in bottle opener and nut cracker! Meanwhile, the take-a-part blades separate easily for efficient cleaning. As part of Mundial's lightweight Red Dot line, these shears have a matte black polypropylene handle for a non-slip grip.

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