MCGILL'S-This hand punch sets holes/slots for attaching embellishments
Good for attaching embellisments to your scrapbook pages, cards, and tags
The McGill Punchline Hole Punch is the must have tool for everyone. The 1/4 inch ribbon punch features a 2 inch reach for flexible positioning and can be used on paper, cardstock, thin plastics, thin metals, and thin craft foam. The soft, plastic ergonomic handles provide comfort during repetitive use and can be easily removed and cleaned when needed. The high capacity receptacle area holds more punch outs to keep you punching longer before needing to be emptied. For easy identification, the punch shape is displayed on both sides of the handle. The McGill name is synonymous with quality, innovation and great designs that serve the office, school, craft, and industrial and specialty markets. Brand: McGill, Model: 53901, Color: Buttonhole, Size: 1/4-Inch Ribbon Stitch
Custom Tab 01
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