Lifetime 280094 Kid's Picnic Table

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  • 32.5" kid's picnic table is constructed of High Density Polyethylene with impact resistant corners for superior strength and durability
  • Seats up to four children comfortably
  • Uv-Protected table top and benches are stain resistant and easy to clean
  • Will not crack, chip or peel; Backed by a 2-year limited manufacturer warranty
  • Folds flat for easy transport and storage; Some assembly required

  • Give your kids a place to call their own with a kids picnic table from Lifetime Products. Seating up to four kids comfortably, the kids picnic tables fold flat for easy storage and transportation. Constructed of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and powder-coated steel, our picnic tables are stain resistant, easy to clean, and UV-protected.
    Brand: Lifetime, Model: 280094, Color: Almond, Size: 1

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