Use weekly as part of the Leisure Time Simple Spa Care program.
Compatible with chlorine, bromine, ozone and biguanide sanitizers
For more than 25 years, Leisure Time has been the premier name in spa water care
Reduces waterline maintenance
Reduces sanitizer consumption
A powerful blend of natural enzymes that breaks down oil, lotion, and organics that cause unsightly scum lines and odors in spa water. Helps reduce the need for maintenance of filters and spa surfaces. Works with all types of sanitizers. Use weekly as part of the Simple Spa Care Program. Compatible will all types of spa chemicals and and will not interfere with spa filters. Initial Treatment: Add 1-ounce per 250 gallons of spa water. Repeat daily until scum line is gone. Weekly Treatment: Add 1-ounce per 250 gallons of spa water weekly to avoid buildup at water line. Brand: LEISURE TIME, Model: 12X1QT, Color: Original Version, Size: 1-Pack
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