Kotobuki Round Kenzan Flower Arranging Frog, 2-3/8-Inch, Black

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  • Made in Japan
  • Includes rubber gasket which fits around the base to prevent scratches or damage to vase
  • 3.38 inch diameter
  • 18-8 stainless steel needles
  • 168 needles, each 0.48 inch in length

  • Kenzan or Japanese flower frogs, are used for keeping flowers in place in an arrangement. The base of a kenzan is very heavy, preventing any movement when submersed in water or when used to arrange a large amount of flowers or branches. The sharp, stainless steel needles attached to the base are very sturdy, helping to keep the flowers and branches securely in place. Traditionally, kenzan are made of gold-colored brass needles, which can often distract from the flower arrangement due to their brightness and shininess, especially when used in dark colored vases. This black kenzan solves the problem by concealing itself thanks to its dark color, leaving the natural beauty of the arrangement to take the spotlight.
    Brand: Kotobuki, Model: 893-251, Size: Medium

    Custom Tab 01

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