For use with K&H Manufacturing Lectro-KennelTM & Igloo-Style heated pads
Allows you to turn the temperature of the K&H pad down, adjustable positions from high to off
A must-have for whelping puppies
One year limited warranty
Allows for adjustable warmth
3-prong plug and requires a 3-prong receptacle.
Need to adjust the temperature of your Lectro-Kennel If your pet has special temperature needs, we recommend an optional Lectro-Temp Control. It allows a full range of heat from 102¿ to the off position. This gives you the freedom you need to adjust. It is recommended whenever Lectro-Kennel pads are used for whelping, puppies, elderly or recovering pets. Brand: K&H Pet Products, Model: 1400, Color: Off-White, Size: Not Applicable
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