Hydro Mousse Liquid Lawn System

Hydro Mousse
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  • Grow grass anywhere. Subject to proper care)
  • Hydro Mousse is easy to apply and provides the perfect solution for homeowners with patchy lawns that need repair. Fix dry spots, dog spots, high traffic areas and shade.
  • Attaches to any garden hose and eliminates guesswork by clearly showing you where you are planting
  • Each kit will reseed a 100 foot square area, or 200 spots and contains: the spray head, the coating chamber (canister), the grass seed blend that is suitable for all climates, the Hydro Mousse liquid formula
  • Please follow all directions on package to achieve and establish a desirable lawn. Achieving and maintaining a lush looking lawn is not difficult if you use Hydro Mousse. Remember proper preparation and watering is crucial for seeding success

  • Hydro Mousse Liquid Lawn is the revolutionary way of growing beautiful grass. It does not involve professional lawn care, or paying hundreds of dollars. It is easy to use. If you can water your lawn, then you can also use Hydro Mousse Liquid Lawn w/Spray n Stay technology. It will show you the exact areas where you are planting eliminating the guesswork. Its high quality seed mixture blend that will work perfectly with your existing lawn. The grass can grow on vertical areas and can survive extreme heat or cold conditions. A beautiful and professional looking lawn has never been easier to come by. (subject to proper care) DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO USE HYDRO MOUSSE: Step 1: PREPARE THE AREA BEFORE PLANTING Remove debris, dead grass, lossen top layer of soil, moisten with water Step 2: PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT With an EMPTY canister, connect the nozzle to the canister and your garden hose and simply water your lawn to get a feel of how Hydro Mousse canister works. Step 3: KNOW YOUR COVERAGE AREA The Hydro Mousse System comes with enough seed and additive to treat 100 square feet; that is a 10 foot by 10 foot area. Step 4: PLANTING TIME Pour the entire bag of grass seed and mousse additive into the canister. With the dial in the off position, connect the hose and turn on the water. Turn the dial to light seed, and fill the canister 3 quarters full of water, then turn the water off for at least 30 seconds to allow proper coating of the seeds. When you are ready, turn the water back on and start seeding the area you want to treat. Turn the unit on/off as you move through your lawn. Step 5: WATERING AND GROWING YOUR NEW LAWN Water your newly seeded area 2-3 times a day, keeping the soil moist for the first 14 days. It takes between 7-14 days for the seeds to germinate and up to 30 days for full growth coverage. We suggest wearing gloves.
    Brand: Hydro Mousse, Model: Hydro Mousse, Size: SPRAY

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