Box with 18 holiday cards featuring gold foil stamp Season's Greetings on the front
Verse printed in Red: Warmest Thoughts And Best Wishes For A Wonderful Holiday And A Very Happy New Year
18 Gold Foil Lined White Envelopes
Folded, cards are each 7.875 x 5.625-inches
Warmest Wishes cards feature elegant, traditional holiday themes with a warm weather twist
Warmest Wishes boxed holiday cards featuring gold foil stamp. Inside Sentiment: "Warmest Thoughts and Best Wishes for a Wonderful Holiday and a very Happy New Year." The Warmest Wishes cards line is designed with the Southern, Western and coastal regions in mind. Look for elegant, traditional holiday themes with a warm weather twist! It's said that the first Christmas cards was created in 1843 in London, designed by John Calcott Horsley for Sir Henry Cole, and, even with the advent of social media, holiday cards are still popular today. Today Masterpiece Studios specializes in upscale, traditional boxed holiday cards in a wide variety of looks and price points. With six different brands to choose from, you'll find the design that best suits your personality and complements your holiday message. Brand: Masterpiece Studios, Model: 4823, Color: Wreath
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