Karen Foster Design Acid and Lignin Free Scrapbooking Sticker Sheet, Sisters Forever

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Model 11552
Color Sisters Forever

  • Quality, thick cardstock weight scrapbooking stickers from Karen Foster Design
  • All stickers acid free, lignin free and archival quality
  • Single 5 x 9 sheet contains 13 smaller peel and use stickers
  • Great for big and little sister, family reunion or any sisterly themed pages
  • Coordinate with themed paper and other embellishments by Karen Foster Design

  • Karen Foster Design, one of the scrapbooking industry's most innovative manufacturers, has been synonymous with high quality, affordable memory preservation and unique and relevant materials for over a decade. A company built, literally, from the kitchen table up, was founded on Karen Foster's creative imagination and the belief that life's events and precious moments deserved to be recorded and protected for years to come so that the stories could be seen and told, over and over again by many generations. With attention to new and emerging scrapbook and story-telling trends, Karen Foster Design has endeavored to bring you meaningful and expressive product lines such as themed papers & sticker sheets, embellishments, tools, storage totes and containers, photo albums, journals, notepads and specialty seasonal paper crafting products so that you can produce your own treasured heirloom end product, a finished album. KFD, fostering creativity, one memory at a time.

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