The Earlex Spray Station 500, 3000 and 5000 Series all come with a 2.0 mm (0.08") diameter needle and fluid tip that is the most versatile and can be used with a wide range of paints. However, Earlex also offers optional sized needles, including this 1mm (0.04") needle that is recommended for spraying cellulose, acrylics, synthetics, polyurethane, and thinner. In general, larger diameter needles and fluid tips are ideal for higher viscosity materials since they allow thicker materials to be sprayed where finish is not of paramount importance. Smaller diameter needles, in contrast, are more suitable for lower viscosity materials ensuring a higher quality finish. Note: it is important that you match your needle tip size to the paint type being used, the thickness of the paint and the desired quality of finish. Check your instruction manual for information on selecting the correct spray pattern, paint volume, spraying technique and maintenance tips. A correct match will ensure a more satisfying result, a better painting experience, a quality job and savings in paint and time. Brand: Earlex, Model: HV5ACC10USR, Color: SILVER
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