Dimex EasyFlex Plastic Tree Trunk Protectors, 12 Count, Grey (1131-12C)

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  • EasyFlex plastic tree trunk protectors are designed to keep your yearling trees and shrubs safe from abrasions resulting from routine yard care.
  • Weed wackers, hedge trimmers, and animals can cause irreversible damage to young tree trunks. Prevent that damage by wrapping the EasyFlex Tree Trunk Protector around the base of your tree.
  • Unlike metal cage protectors, the easily expandable plastic design allows the protector to grow with your tree without cutting into new growth. The slotted design allows airflow to prevent bark rot.
  • Innovative expansion tabs offer a way to increase the diameter of your tree trunk protector as your plants grow. The uniquely formulated taupe-brown color blends with most young tree bark surfaces.
  • EasyFlex Plastic Tree Trunk Protectors are made in the USA by Dimex, a company committed to an eco-friendly stance, using recycled materials whenever possible. EasyFlex is a complete line of plastic and aluminum landscape products offered by Dimex.

  • Give your trees and saplings the protection they need to flourish with EasyFlex Tree Trunk Protectors. Easily create customized protection for any tree in your landscape – whether using one trunk protector for a sapling, or joining multiple coils with extender tabs to protect larger trees. Made with 100% recycled plastic materials, this pack of 12 trunk protectors is your solution to guarding your trees from lawn equipment, rodents, and small pests - measuring 9 inches tall, 12 inches wide, with a 4 inch diameter. Engineered for optimum tree health, the slotted design allows for plenty of air flow – preventing bark rot and aiding in the growth and well-being of your trees. The sturdy round coil design supports itself and maintains its shape throughout different weather conditions, seasons, and direct sunlight. Grey plastic helps the EasyFlex Tree Trunk Protectors blend seamlessly with most bark colors – protecting your trees and saplings, without taking away from nature's beauty. Simply secure around the base of your trees – then sit back and enjoy your beautiful landscape.
    Brand: Dimex, Model: 1131-12C, Color: Gray, Size: 12 Count

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