Darice Acrylic Earring Display, 12 by 14-Inch, Black

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  • An elegant solution for displaying and storing earrings
  • This acrylic display stand has a total of 240 holes and can be used for both studs and dangling styles
  • Necklaces and bracelets can also be looped around the cross bars for added versatility

  • DARICE-Earring Display Stand. An elegant solution for displaying and storing earrings. This acrylic display stand has a total of 240 holes and can be used for both studs and dangling styles. Necklaces and bracelets can also be looped around the cross bars for added versatility. The two removable feet have straight and angled slots that give three different options for standing the display. Assembled measurements are 10x13-1/2x5 Inch. This package contains one display stand consisting of three parts: one main display section and two feet. Imported.
    Brand: Darice, Model: 2025-444, Color: Black, Size: 9.5 in

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