ARTS AND CRAFTS: No arts and crafts project would be complete without a little pizazz! Our Glitter Stars Stickers pack can liven up any piece of art. Let your work flourish with these stars that shine as bright as your imagination!
TEACHES CREATIVITY: Nothing benefits an arts and crafts project like these Glitter Stars Stickers. Whether it's a far-out space adventure, serene night-scape, or any other enticing environment, these stickers have plenty of uses. It's up to your imagination to find them!
MULTIPURPOSE: Our Glitter Stars Stickers aren't just great for flashy arts and crafts projects. Use them as glowing accolades for your students or for decorating a room at home. There's a universe of possibilities!
SAFE, NO HASSLE: A quality arts and crafts undertaking can be stressful enough without the annoyances of paper cuts, scissor scrapes, or gluey messes. Our Glitter Stars stickers are made out of gentle foam and are completely safe. Plus, there's no setup or hassle, simply take them out of the package and you're ready to show your flare!
SPECIFICATIONS: Package includes 2.25 ounces of Multicolored Glitter Stars Stickers. Please note: Product contains small parts. Not for children under 3 years old.
No arts and crafts project would be complete without a little pizazz! Our Glitter Stars Stickers pack can liven up any piece of art. Let your work flourish with these stars that shine as bright as your imagination! Whether it's a far-out space adventure, serene night-scape, or any other enticing environment, these stickers have plenty of uses. Our Glitter Stars stickers are made out of gentle foam and are completely safe. Package includes 2.25 ounces of multicolored foam glitter star stickers. Please note: Product contains small parts. Not for children under 3 years old. Brand: Creative Hands, Model: 81286E, Color: Primary Colors, Size: 2.25 oz
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