Pesticide-free: Monitor traps live bugs for early detection
Dual-well design: Shows you which direction bedbugs are crawling
Helps determine which furniture is still infested after treatment
Versatile design: Fits all furniture with posts/feet 375 In Diameter or less
Box includes 4 made in the USA interceptors
"New and improved thicker polypro design to resist cracking." Climb up insect interceptors are a unique and easy-to-use monitoring system to aid in the early detection of bed bug infestations. These specially designed plastic cups are pesticide-free and are too slick for the bugs to crawl out. Talc powder is optional for best results, but is not required and not included. Bugs approaching the bed (or other furniture) from the floor will fall into the outer well while bed bugs leaving the bed will get stuck in the center well. Allows early detection for bed bugs and also AIDS in protecting furniture from reinfestation. (Box of 4 interceptors). Brand: ClimbUp, Model: Bed Bug Trap, Color: White
Custom Tab 01
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