Upper side vent prevents condensation from forming to keep your Big Easy 3-in-1 cooker dry
Easily wipes clean with a damp cloth
Take care of the cooker that feeds you! Protect the sleek beauty of your Char-Broil multi-purpose cooker from the forces of nature with this custom cover. Designed especially for the Char-Broil Big Easy Smoker, Roaster & Grill (Char-Broil model #12101550), this grey cover will fit around your Big Easy perfectly. Constructed from heavy-duty PVC, this specialty cover will defend your multi-purpose cooker against snow, hail, rain, and the wind - not to mention spiders, pests, and assorted debris that can often infiltrate barbecues and pose fire dangers. Tough on the outside, the interior of the cover has a woven polyester fabric inner lining to protect your Big Easy from scratches. An upper side vent prevents condensation from forming, keeping your 3-in-1 cooker dry through anything. Simply wipe the cover down to clean it. Brand: Char-Broil, Model: 7575194, Color: gray, Size: 24" x 24" x 28.5"
Custom Tab 01
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