Cooktop cleaning kit includes a 10-ounce bottle of Cerama Bryte Cooktop Cleaner, 1 cleaning pad, and 1 scraper.
This cooktop cleaner kit is safe for all smooth tops.
Cleans grease, stubborn stains, and removes burnt and baked on deposits.
This kit has all the tools necessary to keep any smooth top range looking like new.
Regular use helps maintain shine and performance
Our innovative Clear-View Cooktop Cleaning Kit allows consumers to see the full value of our most popular set of cooktop cleaning products. Featuring a 10-ounce bottle of the number one cooktop cleaner formula in the world, Ceramal Bryte Cooktop Cleaning Kit has all the tools necessary to keep any smooth top range looking like new. Cerama Bryte is the choice for removing tough stains while regular use helps maintain shine and performance. In addition to the cleaner, each kit contains one Cerama Bryte Cooktop Scraper -- specially designed to work at an appropriate angle for cleaning effectiveness, two Cerama Bryte Cleaning Pads -- right-sized for cleaning cooktops, and the patent-pending POW-R Grip Pad Tool -- the perfect compliment to the cleaning pads for a secure grip and extra leverage while cleaning. Brand: Cerama Bryte, Model: 27068, Color: Clamshel Packaging, Size: 10 oz
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