Each page holds four 4 x 6 photos - APS compatible
Three-hole punched for use in standard ring binders
Box of 50 pages
Protect your 4 x 6 photos with these side-loading C-Line Photo Holder Pages. Made of acid-free polypropylene and reinforced at the binding edge, these pages are three-hole punched for use in standard size three-ring binders. Each page can hold four 4 x 6-inch photographs, with 2 on the front and 2 on the reverse. With an overall page size of 11.25 x 8.125 inches, there are 50 pages per box, with white labeling inserts also included. For over 60 years, C-Line has been a leading manufacturer of office supplies, with a product line that features storage, identification and organization products, including an assortment of new products to help you store, protect and organize your most valuable materials. Brand: C-Line, Model: 52564, Color: Clear, Size: 4 x 6 Photos
Custom Tab 01
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