Extra-large convex mirror for a wide-angle view of your baby
Clear-Sight Mirror for superior reflection and a distortion-free image
Soft-Touch Frame is lightweight and energy-absorbing
Multiple attachment options fit most vehicles
Crash-tested, shatter-resistant mirror for added safety
It's the little moments that make traveling together better. With the BRICA Baby In-Sight Mirror, connecting in the car is as easy as a glance in the rear-view mirror. The shatter-resistant Clear-Sight surface gives you and your baby a distortion-free view of each other and the Soft-Touch frame looks great in any car interior. Amid life's hustle and bustle it is always a plus when you can add a little fun and peace of mind to your journey. Brand: Brica, Model: 63010, Color: Gray, Size: 1 MIRROR
Custom Tab 01
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