Bobino Phone Holder - Turquoise - Stylish Minimalist Charging Shelf

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Brand Kikkerland
Model HH13-TQ
Color Turquoise

  • Bobino PHONE HOLDER hangs between the charger and the outlet. It provides safe support for your mobile phone, and allows winding of long cables.
  • Choose one of our characteristic colors and you'll always have a safe place to charge or store your phone.
  • Dimensions: 8 x 12 x 11 cm (3.1" x 4.7" x 4.3") Available in Black, White, Red, Lime, Turquoise, Fuchsia
  • From Bobino - Making daily life easier.
  • This version is designed for today's larger touch screen phones. The surface has an anti-slip pad and we added a folding hinge for the travelers.

  • ABOUT US At Bobino we envision an easier daily life through simple innovation. We get energy from thinking about inconveniences we all know and what products we can create to make our daily lives easier. With great focus on the design process and care for our customers, we have been building a strong brand presence for the past 10 years. Since we started in 2007, we've earned international recognition and some design awards like the Chicago Athenaeum Good Design Award in 2009, The IF Product Design Award in 2010 and 2015 and the Red Dot design Award in 2012.

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