Enhance the flavors of your grilled food with this reusable stainless steel smoke box
Perfect for smoking fish, steak, ribs, chicken and more
Just fill with soaked wood chips and place on your grill
Easily slides open; handle folds for convenient storage
Includes instruction booklet
Stainless steel smoker box from Camerons is the optimal way to create an easy smoking or smoker experience. This stainless steel smoker box can be filled with wood chips (pecan, oak, hickory, or any other variety also sold by Camerons) and will infuse your meat with the type of smokey flavor we all love. Easy to set up, a beloved cooking source, this smoker box is perfect for anyone who is trying to infuse this wonderful smoke taste into their meats without spending 10 hours checking up on a heavy duty smoker. Brand: Camerons Products, Model: BBQSB, Color: Stainless Steel
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