Aspects HummZinger HighView 12 oz Hanging Hummingbird Feeder

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Brand Aspects
Model 429
Color Red
Size 12 oz

  • The feeder includes a HighView perch that invites hummingbirds to rest comfortably as they drink from any of four feeding ports while also offering an unobstructed view of the birds.
  • Bright red cover attracts hummingbirds from a distance and is easily removed so the bowl can be cleaned quickly and thoroughly.
  • Constructed of unbreakable polycarbonate.
  • 4 Feeding Ports.

  • The hummzinger highview feeder offers an upgrade to the classic line of hummingbird feeders. The feeder includes a highview perch that invites hummingbirds to rest comfortably as they drink from any of four feeding ports while also offering an unobstructed view of the birds. The built-in ant moat blocks crawling insects from contaminating nectar. Bright red cover attracts hummers from a distance and removes easily so the bowl can be cleaned quickly and thoroughly. Constructed of unbreakable polycarbonate and backed with a lifetime guarantee.

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