Amdro Fire Ant Bait Granules 6oz

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  • Kills fire ants
  • Fast acting bait-kills the queen fast
  • Destroys visible and hidden mounds
  • Active Ingredient: Hydramethylnon
  • All Amdro products are guaranteed to work or your money back!

  • If you've dealt with fire ants before, you know the importance of using a reliable product to get rid of them. With over 30 years of fire ant killing experience, Amdro Fire Ant Bait Granules deliver results you can count on. Ants think the bait is food, so they take it back to the colony to share. Once the queen and other ants eat it, the whole mound dies. Made in the USA. With Amdro, it's GAME OVER for fire ants. This mound treatment is the second step of the expert-recommended Two-Step Method for Fire Ant Control. Also see Amdro Fire Ant Yard Treatment Bait, a broadcast bait application.
    Brand: Amdro, Model: 100099058, Size: 0.375 Pounds

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