ACTIVA Rigid Wrap Plaster Cloth, 4 X 180 inches

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Brand Activa
Model 231
Color White

  • A premium quality plaster cloth perfect for craft projects, mask making, jewelry, sculpture, home décor, school projects and science fair projects
  • A fine textured, plaster infused cloth for the finest detail and the perfect outcome; fast and easy to use for any dimensional craft need
  • Cuts easily with scissors; just dip it in water and shape it as desired, dries quickly to a hard, consistent finish
  • Safe and easy to apply, it creates no heat when drying like regular plaster; it sets up quickly and dries fast
  • Accepts finishes beautifully, use any paint, marker or colored pencil; waterproof it with varnish or sealer

  • ACTIVA Rigid Wrap is a premium plaster infused cloth perfect for any sculptor. Designed specifically for the finest detail and a superior outcome, Rigid Wrap is ideal for any 3 dimensional craft project; mask making, jewelry, home décor, school or science fair projects. Fast, versatile and easy to use, it cuts easily with scissors. Just dip into water and shape it as desired. Rigid Wrap can cover any form or armature and is excellent at creating draped, flowing shapes. It dries quickly to a consistent, even texture. It creates no heat when drying and requires no heat to cure. It can also be dried quickly in the microwave. Rigid Wrap is safe and non-toxic and can accept all finishes. Since its founding in 1959, ACTIVA Products has been the industry leader in supplying the highest quality materials for creativity. For artists, crafters, designers and educators, ACTIVA provides the right tools and products for artistic expression. Whether the need is for instant papier mache, air dry clays and plasters, vibrant sand, casting, sculpture or floral design, ACTIVA products provide the quality, consistency and proven performance expected by even the most demanding artisan. All our products are 100% safe, non-toxic and meet or exceed all US and European testing standards. ACTIVA Products, Materials for Creativity.

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