A homegrown company based in New Hampshire specializing in bedding and décor for little ones, Olive Kids in It all began 15 years ago when 2 parents wanted to decorate their daughters room with options besides TV characters and movie themes. They began making pieces with original artwork and fun themes that inspire creativity in children. To this day Olive Kids strives to create fun and unique kids bedding and coordinates with an emphasis on great design, high quality, value and fantastic personal customer service.
A kid's rug sees a lot of playtime and our rugs are up for the challenge! Printed in vibrant colors on colorfast nylon, they're not only great looking, but tough too. The backs of the rugs are coated with a non-skid backing for safety. At 5 ft. x 7 ft., they are the perfect size for any kid's room. Of course, Olive Kids rugs perfectly coordinate with our room decor!. Brand: Wildkin, Model: 615410, Color: Trains, Planes, Trucks, Size: One Size
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