Urban Naturals Gardenia Scented Oil Reed Diffuser REFILL | Includes a Free Set of Reed Sticks! Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Tuberose & Amber Notes | 4 oz

Urban Naturals
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  • Gardenia is a blend of Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Tuberose & Amber. Our Reed Diffuser Refill pack Includes 8 Rattan Reed Sticks, & Natural eco-friendly fragrance oil refill.
  • Convenient & Long Lasting! Lasts for months without lifting a finger. No flame required.
  • Nothing beats walking into a good-smelling home.  Curate high quality scent diffusers to decorate and scent your home. We have many new variants to please your senses.
  • Create a welcoming ambience throughout your home with the layered fragrance notes of our deluxe home ambiance diffusers. Urban Naturals Reed diffusers are a favorite because they not only work as a flame-free alternative to candles, but they're visually striking. Rattan reeds absorb the scented oils, releasing a halo of graceful, evocative fragrance in the air. Elegant, consistent, simple and maintenance-free.
  • Our Happiness Promise. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Your happiness is our happiness so if you don't like the scent you can return it hassle-free. Our diffusers are Made with love right here in the USA.

  • Urban Naturals Gardenia Essential Oil Reed Diffuser Refill is a beautiful blend of Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Tuberose & Amber . It's the perfect way to scent your living room, kitchen, bathroom or office. This is an oil refill and reed stick replacement to refill your current Urban Naturals reed diffuser. Does not include glass bottle. Reed diffusers are a sophisticated and subtle way to envelop your home in scent. Whatever the ambience you desire, fragrance can help achieve the right atmosphere, from mood-boosting to calming, sultry and seductive to bright and breezy. Straightforward to use, our reed diffusers bring the right ambience to every room in the home. Rattan reeds absorb Urban Naturals scented oils, releasing a halo of graceful, evocative fragrance in the air. Elegant, consistent, simple and maintenance-free. Expert Tips: Position the Home Ambiance fragrance in the room of your choice and remove the wooden cork stopper carefully. Place the sticks inside the neck of the bottle spaced out for optimal diffusion. After a few hours, our reed sticks made of natural rattan will absorb and diffuse the fragrance by capillarity across the room. The scent will infuse into the air and provide a lasting scent. Reverse the reeds every three to four days to allow the fragrance to be continuously released. Place the bottle on a high shelf away from children and animals. 100% Vegan. Made in the USA!
    Brand: Urban Naturals, Color: Gardenia

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