Tiny Ideas Baby Print Keepsake

Tiny Ideas
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  • Create a wonderful keepsake featuring your baby's hand or footprint
  • Easy to create; no mixing, air drying, no mess
  • Includes no-mess impression material, rolling pin, plastic hole punch, and clay shaping ring

  • Tiny Ideas White Baby print Keepsake reminds you of how small your wee baby used to be. Each day your sweetie gets just a little bigger, a touch more headstrong and full of curiosity. Even their grasping hands and plump tootsies seem to be growing overnight. The Tiny Ideas White Clay Babyprint Keepsake lets you capture an impression of their handprint or footprint in lightweight, easy-to-work-with clay. It's a bittersweet delight to look back at this baby keepsake and see just how far your little one has come. Time and again, you'll sigh with nostalgia when you gaze at this darling keepsake ornament. The Tiny Ideas Clay Baby print Keepsake is simple to use as well. This kit includes everything you need to create adorable impressions of baby's handprint or baby's footprint. You'll receive no-mess impression clay, a rolling pin, a plastic hole punch and shaping ring, along with one pink, one ivory, and one blue grosgrain ribbon for use as a decoration. Don't fret over baby! The clay boasts a non-toxic, baby-safe formula that's ready mold and shape with a darling handprint or footprint front and center. Tips and tricks: for best handprint or footprint make sure baby is fed, changed and calm. Use rolling pin to desired thickness. Flatten baby's feet or hands and press against the impression clay. Cut, shape and punch a hole for the ribbon. You're ready to showcase your unique keepsake. Make sure to include this handprint kit on your baby gift registry. We know this charming keepsake also makes a perfect holiday gift, Christmas gift, Mother's gift, Father's gift or baby shower gift. Tiny moments, forever memories. Tiny Ideas creates products to celebrate your tiny one's special moments. Celebrate their first year, decorate their nursery, or cherish their baby photos. Every moment shared together, Tiny Ideas is here to forever remember it.
    Brand: Tiny Ideas, Model: 96150, Color: White

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