Real Life Pretty As a Princess Sleepy Silicone Vinyl Reborn Baby Girl Dolls

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  • Size:20inch(50cm) Weight:about 1.2-1.5KG(2.64-3.3LB);The doll will come with clothes
  • Material:silicone vinyl head,3/4 silicone vinyl limbs with stuffed PP cotton body,very soft gentle touch
  • Hair:High Quality Mohair,Manual implantation,can wash and dress up
  • Eyes:High Quality Acrylic,can not blink
  • Lovely Baby Princess Doll arrives wearing a pink dress with flower accent in the front,and a matching headband with a charming pink bow

  • This is a perfect doll art designed by a famous artist.Cute and realistic reborn dolls are made of high quality soft silicone and PP cotton,comfortable touch. Safe non-toxic, pure environmentally friendly materials. Head,arms and legs are soft silicone,body is cloth filled with cotton.Can pose a lot like limbing,sitting and lying.Can not standing. Cloth doll body should not enter into the water. The doll will come with outfits.It will be a growth partners of your baby and the one of your family.Wish you love and take care of her (him). These dolls are not toys; they are fine collectibles to be enjoyed by adult collectors. You will get: 1.Reborn baby doll 1; 2.Doll clothes(May be some differences between each batch); 3.Magnetic pacifier 1(Random color);
    Brand: Wamdoll, Color: As Photo, Size: 20 Inch

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