50 fire-starting nuggets for quickly starting any fire, indoors or out
Non-toxic and environmentally safe; pine scented; unlimited shelf life
Made of pitchwood sawdust and food-grade paraffin wax; no residue left behind
Only 1 needed; no need for newspaper and kindling or messy lighter fluids or gels
Measures 10-1/5 by 5-1/5 by 4-4/5 inches
Key product features in the design of our product begin with size and shape. The study of burning patterns encouraged the round shape. Applications with all different types of fuels, (i.e.: firewood's, fire logs, pellets, coal, charcoal, etc.) finalized the perfect size. Our product thus became the all around most versatile and applicable way to start any fire in any season. Brand: Lightning Nuggets, Model: N50VBOX, Color: Tan, Size: 50 count
Custom Tab 01
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.