Flameless LED Candles - 3 Mooncandles with Remote Control

SKU: EZFB0034Z958Q
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  • Ultra-safe without real naked flames
  • 50,000 hours total glow time
  • 4 or 8 hour timer
  • Flickering candlelight effect or permanent light
  • Made of real wax

  • Our Flameless Candles are an ideal way to create a romantic or calming atmosphere in any home, without the fear of fire, accidents, or wax on your favourite furniture! Moon Candles are the world's first flameless candles combining 4 and 8 hour timers as well as a remote control. Enjoy real wax candles without the messy wax and dangerous flames as well as the convenience of the remote control. A great alternative to regular candles for homes with children or pets, leave your Moon Candles on without the worry! An ideal Birthday or Housewarming gift, why not enjoy the beautiful glow of a candle whilst relaxing in a romantic bubble bath Flameless candles are safe to use with children and pets as well as near curtains, beds and other home furnishings. The remote control lets you use the flameless candles in hard to reach areas such as tall shelves or even chandeliers. Create stunning dining table centrepieces, wedding decor and more with these beautiful candles. They gently flicker to create a realistic glow and with 3 in the pack, how can you resist!
    Brand: FRF, Model: 5001, Color: Yellow

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