Fantasia Materials: 2 Pounds of a 12 Stone Mix from Madagascar

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  • This is the original Fantasia 12 stone mix which is often imitated but never duplicated
  • These stones contain a perfect balance of beauty and color
  • Perfect for tumbling, polishing, collecting, arts and crafts, and more

  • This is the ORIGINAL 12 Stone Madagascar Mix created by Fantasia Mining. Others have tried to duplicate this mix but none have succeeded in keeping the stone and color balance as perfect as this original Fantasia mix. This is a mix of 12 quality gemstones from Madagascar off the coast of Africa. They are perfect for tumbling, polishing, collecting, arts and crafts, and more. There are two options for this item with one being just the stones and another coming with a 30 page identification book which shows full color pictures of all of the stones, information about their scientific properties, and information about their metaphysical properties. This product contains the following natural earth mined stones from Madagascar: Labradorite, Rose Quartz, Septarian, Green Opal, Desert Jasper, Apatite, Amethyst, Petrified Wood, Girasol Opal, Red Jasper, Yellow Jasper and Chrysocolla. The stones you receive are naturally earth mined products of nature. When you receive them they may contain a small layer of dust which could coat the stones or the bag and you will want to rinse the stones in the bag to see their true potential.
    Brand: Fantasia, Model: M12MX, Size: #A: Stones Only - No Book

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