Candle Warmers Etc. Ceramic and Dish, Chevron

Candle Warmers
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  • A debossed chevron pattern in a reactive sky blue glaze combine to make the Chevron 2-in-1 a perfect contemporary piece
  • 2-in-1 Classic Fragrance Warmers feature a versatile design that allows you to warm wax melts in the dish, or place a jar candle directly on the warming plate.
  • Wax products from Candle Warmers Etc. are 100% paraffin wax that holds more fragrance and lasts longer compared to scented gels, oils, or sprays.
  • Candle and wax warmers allow you to enjoy the fragrance of a lit candle, without flame, soot, or other pollutants.
  • Elegant home décor is the focus of every Candle Warmers Etc. product, and each is made to complement your personal taste.

  • Each 2-in-1 Fragrance Warmer has the functionality and versatility to melt candles at the base or wax melts using the included dish. Make a Fashionable statement at home with styles that match any decor. Use with wax melts or 12 ounces candles or smaller. A debossed chevron pattern in a reactive sky blue glaze combine to make the perfect contemporary piece. Just add your favorite candle to the warmer or wax melts to the dish.
    Brand: Candle Warmers, Model: CWDCHV, Color: Chevron, Size: 5.5"X5.5"X3.5"

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