Ancient Secrets Himalayan Salt Tea, Light Lotus

Ancient Secrets
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  • Ancient secrets himalayan natural rock salt tea light holders are hand carved salt products from the himalaya mountains of pakistan
  • The warmth and natural beauty of the glow provided by these candle holders makes them a wonderful accent for any room, as well as an outstanding and much appreciated gift for friends and loved ones
  • They provide a natural ambiance that enhances home and office, and are a perfect answer for providing Feng Shui cures for buildings that have stuck energy chi c

  • Ancient Secrets Himalayan Natural Rock Salt Tea Light Holders are hand carved salt products from the Himalaya Mountains of Pakistan. The warmth and natural beauty of the glow provided by these candle holders makes them a wonderful accent for any room, as well as an outstanding and much appreciated gift for friends and loved ones. They provide a natural ambiance that enhances home and office, and are a perfect answer for providing Feng Shui cures for buildings that have "stuck" energy (chi). Salt Tea Lights are traditionally considered to emit negative ions, which help improve the feeling of a room, and enhance the natural sense of good feeling and enhance energy. They are considered especially beneficial to help cleanse and neutralize the atmosphere of the energy impacts of computers, microwave ovens, TV sets and other electronic devices which all emit positive ions and thus reduce your energy.
    Brand: Ancient Secrets, Model: 025418, Color: Apricot, Size: Lotus 1 unit

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