The V757 Bubble Master is unique 3.5 channel co-axial helicopter. It has the ability to produce bubbles while flying via transmitter controlled button. It is also very stable thanks to its on board gyro. It is a 3.5 channel helicopter which means it can fly forwards, backwards, ascend, descend, rotate clockwise, and counter-clockwise. The bubble master is controlled through infra red signals. A push of a button activates the bubble machine mounted on the chopper and allows it to produce bubbles in flight. The V757 brings a whole new level of fun for helicopter flight. Make the house pets go wild with the bubble master! Package Includes: WL V757 RC Helicopter IR Transmitter Pre-assembled helicopter Bubble Water USB Charger Cable Tail Rotor x 2 Main Blade x 2 Water dropper for refilling Instruction manual Required to Fly: Transmitter batteries: Six 1.5V (AA) batteries Brand: Generic
Custom Tab 01
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