Perfect for woodburning, hot knife cutting, and soldering
Includes 7 Interchangeable Points and a lead-free solder with rosin core
Featuring a tool stand as well as an on and off swtich
Heats up to 510 degrees C and 950 degrees F
This hot tool was designed for the plastics and Radio Control (R/C) modeler. Use the screw-in hot knife points for trimming, conversions and cutting. The screw-in solder pints and Rosin core solder are ideal for the spot solders needed for small electronic. The additional points (tapered and texture) can be used for a variety of tasks such as making holes and adding patterns. This 950 degrees F tool can also be used for Woodburning and stencil cutting. The 120 volt tool is UL approved and is fitted with the USA two pin plug. We recommend this tool for ages 14 and up. Brand: Walnut Hollow, Model: 28094, Color: Black
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