Vallejo Red Gold Paint, 35ml

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  • Model color has been formulated with permanent pigments for fine arts; all colors are completely lightfast and opaque
  • The consistency of Model color allows for an extremely smooth and uniform paint film, with no trace of brushstrokes
  • The water based formula of Model color has been specifically developed for adherence on difficult surfaces such as metal and plastic

  • VAL70794 Liquid Red Gold Alcohol Based Liquid Gold Series 35ml Vallejo Liquid Red Gold Alcohol Based Liquid Gold Series 35ml Formulated with metallic pigments, soluble only in alcohol, these colors are infinitely more brilliant than their waterbased counterparts, and absolutely durable and dries fast. The colours can be mixed with one another and dry almost instantly. They can be overpainted or varnished almost immediately. The specific weight of the pigment causes the formation of sediment at the base of the container, and paint should be thoroughly shaken or stirred before use. If it were necessary to dilute the colours further, only 96 percent pure alcohol should be added to avoid oxidation. Liquid Gold cannot be mixed with water, to the contrary, the slightest contact with water will cause the pigments to rust within the jar. Brushes should be cleaned in alcohol only. Liquid Gold contains alcohol and is therefore flammable, but the product does not contain xylene or toluene, and is neither toxic nor harmful in normal use.
    Brand: Vallejo, Model: VJ70794

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