Super-Gold Odorless 1oz CA Adhesive Glue

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  • Super-Gold Odorless 1oz CA Adhesive Glue

  • Super-Gold Odorless 1oz CA Adhesive Glue SUPER-GOLD and SUPER-GOLD are our odorless INSTA-CURE CAs They are non-frosting and take only 2 or 3 seconds longer to bond. There are no fumes that irritate the nose and eyes. The SUPER-GOLDs do not attack white foam; therefore, they can be used in the building of foam core wings and the assembly and repair of plastic and foam ARFs. They will not fog clear plastic. SUPER-GOLD is ideal for attaching clear canopies in plastic model kits; however, MAXI-CURE is still recommended for assembling the rest of plastic kits. Wood can be bonded to white foam with SUPER-GOLD in less than fifteen seconds. For bonding foam to foam, spray a very light fog of INSTA-SET to one piece and apply SUPER-GOLD to the other before joining. Excess INSTA-SET may create too much heat, which can melt the foam. Both SUPER-GOLDs cure to a more flexible consistency for better shock absorbtion. Whenever a large amount of CA is to be used in such applications as saturating fiberglass or Kevlar, SUPER-GOLD eliminates the irritating fumes from the evaporating monomer that make repeated use of CA unpleasant at times.
    Brand: BSI, Model: 7004

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